No Committee Boat = No Racing!

You all should have received another invite for the committee boat sign-up pageNOTE:  This is NOT to work the committee boat, but rather than to PROVIDE a Committee Boat!  We have been fortunate to have Dave D, Steve C. and Jeff D. provide a pontoon boat for the Spring Series, thanks guys!  However, we only have a single 2 week slot signed up for summer, and that’s by Dave S. in August (thanks Dave!). WE NEED BOATS FOR JULY, or we will not be able to start the summer series!  You can forward your invite to anyone else you may think is interested – including non-fleet members who live on the lake.

This sign up is protected by an access code.  When prompted, enter the code “2015 ALCA” for access.  There is a space between “2015” and “ALCA”.  Each time slot is for 2 consecutive weeks.

To sign up, go to: