Summer series week #2 – July 16, 2019

Tuesday is the second week of the Summer Series, Race Chair is Faith Akert, with Patrick Halpin and Peggy Wray’s pontoon boat as our committee boat.  John Hansen is scheduled to help Dixie and Keith run the races.  We are looking at winds coming from the South/Southwest at 7 mph, with a 55% chance of thunderstorms.  BooHoo!  One thing we learned last week, is pay more attention to what’s happening in real time on the lake at 5:30 – 6:00 pm than to only believe your weather APPS on your phone.  We had 2 very nice races last week, all 5 or 6 of us who were out there.  Also, the course might be somewhere that is not easily visible from your line of site when looking out onto the lake, so if you’re not sure we are sailing or not, ask Julie or me.