Spring Series Week #2 – May 24, 2022

Week 2 is upon us, last week had a small turnout but it was good sailing! 
The forecast is looking pretty good from here: forecasted air temps around 69 F, generally sunny winds ENE 10mph gusting 15 mph. Should make for a pretty good night of racing.  Water was warm enough last week but REMEMBER dress smart. Any potential cancellations will be communicated via email and facebook.
Race committee for the night will be Dave Dunlap on Jeff Danes Pontoon. Thanks in advance guys. Remember to check in with Race Committee once you are on the water and notify them of any changes from how you are registered.  
After sailing (or in the event of a cancellation) we will be meeting at Jac’s Cekola’s Portage  https://jacscekolaspizza.com/ I would encourage people with boats to park either in the back or to the north (by Habitat or Colonial Kitchen) 7640 S Westnedge Ave, Portage, MI 49002 https://goo.gl/maps/Fe9YfKVtfKPeeiKJA

Fair Winds
Walter (Wall-E) ElsnerALCA Fleet 519 Secretary